2013年6月17日 星期一

【Day 413】

2359 - 0500:特拉維夫@以色列 > 埃拉特@以色列
0800 - 0830:埃拉特@以色列 > 塔巴邊境@西乃半島
1500 - 1730:塔巴@西乃半島 > 打哈巴@ 西乃半島
1930 - 0100:打哈巴@西乃半島 > Sharm El Sheikh@西乃半島
0100 - 0530:Sharm El Sheikh@西乃半島 > 開羅@埃及

17Jun: What a long day of the day:
23:59 - 0500: Tel Aviv@Israel > Eilat@Israel
0800 - 0830: Eilat@Israel > Taba Crossing@Sinai
1500 - 1730:Taba@Sinai > Dahab@ Sinai
1930 - 0100:Dahab@Sinai > Sharm El Sheikh@Sinai
0100 - 0530:Sharm El Sheikh@Sinai > Cairo@Egypt
Finally, I spent more than 30hrs to travel from Israel to Sinai, then from Sinai to the capital if Egypt - Cairo. Why I need to suffer such a long day????
But how lucky I was, something wonderful happened to me again. I met two lovely people when i was waiting for the bus. One local people helped me to pay a small part of Israel departure taxes. And one tourist invited to hotel to enjoy unlimited food and beverage for free and also took me to the Red Sea. Details of these two stories will be posted later on.

